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Caz Prescott | EM Voices | Voice Actor


One of Australia’s most prominent and versatile voice over artists, Caz Prescott is the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s national navigation voice, delivering vital information, such as what’s coming up “next” and “tonight”, for the people of this proud, TV watching nation.

During her 15 years in the VO biz, Caz has lent her larynx to countless global advertising campaigns for TV, radio, online and corporate productions and is the proud international voice of Breville. Caz Prescott also enjoys bringing an array of characters to vocal life on popular animations, including the Alice Miranda films and 200% Wolf. This diversity of vocal range has her in demand for all shapes, sexes and personas and Caz may very well be the narrator breathing audio life into your next favourite audiobook.

Caz continues to grow and diversify her vocal kit bag through accent training, offering voice over workshops and as an audio demonstrator at The University of Sydney. Her beautiful bright orange, red and yellow professional home studio is her happy place from where she offers her clients superb, quality recordings via Source Connect or with Caz herself skilfully spinning the production helm.

When not producing what you need for your next project, you’ll find Caz Prescott singing and playing guitar with The Wives, ducking under Wollongong waves with her kids and trying not to drink too much craft ale between yoga and Pilates classes.

Contact us today about using Caz Prescott for your next campaign.

Caz Prescott
Sydney, Home Studio

Caz Prescott | EM Voices | Voice Actor

Additional Demos

  • Corporate

  • Promos


  • Gender:
  • Accent:
  • Languages:
  • Age Range:
    30-40, 40-50
  • Talent Range:
    Commercial, Non-Commercial/Narration, Promos, Accents, Singing
  • Follow Caz:
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